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Faraway Fields - Restaurant Story Quest

Writer's picture: PukingkingPukingking

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

15 Day Goal from October 29 to November 12, 2020 (9 pm UTC)

Goals 1 to 9 Walkthrough of the quest called Faraway Fields

You may add me (B5YUYVG); I am a daily player.

"2 new appliances: Fall Field Oven and Hay Harvest Stove."
"6 new recipes: Pumpkin Alfredo, Pumpcream Soup, Pizza Gourds, Wrapped Brie, Corn Cream Chowder, Sausage Stuffed Pumpkin."

I divided this quest into 2 parts. The first part includes 3 recipes: Pumpkin Alfredo, Pumpcream Soup, Pizza Gourds. The required appliance for all 3 recipes is the Fall Field Oven.

The second part of the quest is from steps 5 to 9.

The three recipes for the second part are Wrapped Brie, Corn Cream Chowder, Sausage Stuffed Pumpkin. The required appliance for all 3 recipes is the Hay Harvest Stove.

Quest Part 1

Goal 1: Faraway Fields

Step 1 - Buy 8 Field Wall Wall Wallpaper @8,000 each(16g to skip)

Step 2 - Buy 12 Fall Finished Floor Tiles @ 9,000 each (24g to skip)

Rewards: $2,620, 70 xp

UNLOCKS - Fall Field Oven

Side Goal Opens - Harvest Fall

Goal 2: Wonder Wheats

Step 1 - Build 3 Fall Field Oven @35,000 each (4g to skip)

note: 1 Fully Built for Free

construction: 28 Field Bulb and 12 Fall Coil

Step 2 - Serve 15 Pumpkin Alfredo (15g to skip)

note: 2 hours cooking time on the Fall Field Oven

Rewards: $2,650, 70 xp

UNLOCKS - Pumpcream Soup Recipe

Goal 3: Wholesome Harvest

Step 1 - Serve 20 Pumpcream Soup (40g to skip)

note: 4 hours cooking time on the Fall Field Oven

Step 2 - Buy 2 Harvest Cross @22,000 each (4g to skip)

note: wall decoration

Rewards: $2,700, 75 xp

UNLOCKS - Pizza Gourds Recipe

Goal 4: Pizza Pumpkin Twist

Step 1 - Serve 25 Pizza Gourds (63g to skip)

note: 5 hours cooking time on the Fall Field Oven

Step 2 - Buy ANY 1-floor decoration (can't skip)

note: Must be a new purchase

Rewards: $2,770, 75 xp

UNLOCKS - Hay Harvest Stove Appliance

Quest Part 2

Goal 5: Stack Them High

Step 1 - Build 3 Hay Harvest Stove @39,000 each (4g to skip)

note: 1 Fully Built for Free

construction: 40 Harvest Wingnut and 32 Cable of Harvest

Step 2 - Serve 15 Wrapped Brie (23g to skip)

note: 3 hours cooking time on the Hay Harvest Stove

Rewards: $2,880, 80 xp

UNLOCKS - Corn Cream Chowder Recipe

Goal 6: Humble Harvesters

Step 1 - Visit 12 Community Members (12g to skip)

note: Neighbors do not count

Step 2 - Leave 12 Tips (12g to skip)

note: You may tip both neighbor and non-neighbor

Step 3 - Have 2 Field Growth Counter @ 15,000 each (4g to skip)

Rewards: $3,000, 85 xp

UNLOCKS - Autumn Scarecrow Floor Deco

Goal 7: Falling Up

Step 1 - Serve 25 Corn Cream Chowder (88g to skip)

note: 7 hours cooking time on the Hay Harvest Stove

Step 2 - Have 1 Autumn Scarecrow @ 20,000 each (2g to skip)

note: 1x1 Floor Decoration

Rewards: $3,300, 90 xp

UNLOCKS - Sausage Stuffed Pumpkin Recipe

Goal 8: Quaint Quarters

Step 1 - Have 4 Straw Table @ 14,000 each (8g to skip)

Step 2 - Have 4 Straw Seat @ 16,000 each (8g to skip)

Rewards: $3,470, 95 xp

UNLOCKS - Carving Session Floor Deco

Goal 9: Sharp as a Knife

Step 1 - Serve 12 Sausage Stuffed Pumpkin (60g to skip)

note: 10 hours of cooking time on the Hay Harvest Stove

Step 2 - Have 1 Carving Session @32,000 each (2g to skip)

note: 4x4 Floor Decoration

Rewards: $3,700, 100 xp

UNLOCKS - 1 Free Hay Maze Floor Deco

The End

Side Goal: Harvest Fall

The Side Goal for this quest has 3 parts, and it will reward you with a cute Good Witch, Wicked Witch, which was released last May 05, 2017.

Side Goal: Harvest Fall 1 to 3 -

Concerns? Feedback? Do let me know.

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Restaurant Story Appliances -

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